
Top Endorsements

*Partial list

Republican Party

The California Republican Party is the official organization representing the Republican Party in California.

San Francisco
Republican Party

The San Francisco Republican Party is the official organization representing the Republican Party in San Francisco.

Republican Assembly

The California Republican Assembly is a leading organization promoting conservative voices for the fiscal and social betterment of California and the United States.

Log Cabin

The Log Cabin Republicans are Republicans who identify as LGBT, and seek to build a stronger and more inclusive Republican Party and overcome the forces of exclusion and intolerance.

College Republicans

California College Republicans is the leading Republican youth organization in California, with chapters at over 30 of the state's universities.

Business and Housing Network

The Business and Housing Network advocates for the rights of small business owners, mom-and-pop housing providers, and property owners in California.

Equal Rights
for All

Equal Rights for All promotes personal liberty and fair treatment for all, and was founded by Ward Connerly, a former University of California Regent who led California's effort to reject racial discrimination in college admissions.

Silicon Valley
Chinese Association

The Silicon Valley Chinese Association promotes Chinese-American civic engagement and provides political education to Chinese-speaking communities in California and nationwide.

Reform California

Reform California is a statewide grassroots political movement that is dedicated to taking back California from special interests and seeks to be a counterbalance to extreme policies that cost taxpayers and hurt working families.

CA Young Republicans

The California Young Republicans represent young professionals and political activists who are committed to advancing Republican ideals of lower taxation, limited government, personal freedom, and personal responsibility.

CA Rifle & Pistol Association

The California Rifle and Pistol Association, founded in 1875, works to defend the civil and constitutional rights of individuals who choose to responsibly use and own firearms.

Mom and Dad Army

Mom and Dad Army stands for the rights of parents to protect their children from indoctrination, harmful policies, dangerous propaganda, and mandates that threaten the freedom of families to decide what is right for their kids.

Rep. Kevin Kiley

Kevin Kiley is a United States Representative from California, representing California's 3rd Congressional District consisting of the northeastern suburbs of Sacramento, the northern Sierra Nevada, and eastern California. Representative Kiley serves on the House Judiciary Committee and has led the effort in repealing Prop 47 in California.

Ward Connerly

Ward Connerly is a former Regent of the University of California, serving from 1993 to 2005. During his tenure as Regent, he spearheaded the passage of Proposition 209, which banned racially discriminatory admissions policies in California public universities. His continuing activism includes being the founder of the American Civil Rights Institute and the President of Equal Rights for All.

Harmeet Dhillon

Harmeet Dhillon is the National Committeewoman from California to the Republican National Committee. She has also previously served as the Chairwoman of the San Francisco Republican Party, and is the founder of Dhillon Law Group, a nationally-distinguished firm that has taken on prominent cases regarding free speech and constitutional liberties.

Senator Rand Paul

Rand Paul is a United States senator from Kentucky whose advocacy of protecting civil liberties, expanding opportunity through education, and responsible government spending has catapulted him to a position of national prominence. Senator Paul is also a licensed ophthalmologist, and has performed free eye surgery to cure blindness to children across the world.

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